Mini Implant Dentures Allow You To Eat the Foods You Love!

Mini Implant Dentures in Syracuse, NY | Free Implant Consultations

Are you having trouble eating the foods you love because of unstable dentures? You’re far from alone! People who wear traditional dentures often report issues with chewing, reduced flavor perception, and dietary limitations. Traditional dentures cause these problems because they tend to be loose in your mouth. Ill-fit results in your artificial teeth shifting on your gums and causing irritation and denture sores. So, are you destined to eat soft foods forever if you lose all your teeth? Not with mini implant dentures! Dr. Brent Bradford is here to transform your smile into one that is both stunning and functional. Using mini dental implants, he can secure your dentures, providing enhanced chewing ability and lasting comfort.

Why Is Eating With Dentures Difficult?

If traditional dentures restore your teeth, why do they struggle to break down food and prevent you from fully tasting it?

Mini Implant Dentures in Syracuse, NY | Free Implant ConsultationsUpper dentures are held in place with saliva and suction to the roof of your mouth. Unfortunately, the upper denture plate has to be bulky to create the desired suction effect. This plate covers your entire upper palate, blocking key taste buds and preventing you from fully tasing the foods you love.

A notorious problem with lower dentures is their instability. The main reason they come loose is that while traditional dentures do replace the crowns of your teeth, they don’t replace your tooth roots. These roots are essential for keeping your teeth securely in place and for stimulating your jawbone when you bite or chew. This stimulation is what keeps your jawbone’s shape. Without it, your bone will lose mass and volume, altering your facial structure and oral function.

When fabricating a denture, we ensure it’s perfectly molded to the contours of your mouth, ensuring an excellent fit. However, as your bone loses mass, the jaw will change shape and no longer provide robust support for the denture. Without the support of the jawbone, lower dentures will not stay in place. These floating dentures slip in your mouth, slide against your gums, and make it difficult to chew. Tougher meats and hard vegetables become painful to break down with dentures. This often leads to a change in diet and nutritional intake.

No matter how many denture relines you receive or how much denture glue you use, traditional dentures will eventually come loose. Fortunately, Dr. Bradford has a solution!

How Mini Implant Dentures Restore Your Ability To Chew

A dental implant is a titanium post secured into the jaw to support dental restorations, such as dentures.

Dr. Bradford specializes in mini dental implants, a unique type of implant. These posts are less than 3 millimeters in diameter and consist of only one piece. To place mini implants, Dr. Bradford uses a minimally invasive procedure that doesn’t require incisions or sutures! After creating a small pilot hole in the gum and bone, he drills the implant into the bone and secures it. Due to their one-piece design, Dr. Bradford places these implants in just one appointment, significantly reducing costs!

Despite their slim design, mini implants keep your dentures in place with their incredible stability. Unlike traditional implants, which take up to nine months to heal and fully integrate into the bone, mini implants need around 21 days. Even before they fully heal, mini implants are strong enough to support your final denture the same day they are placed! Additionally, dental implants act as artificial tooth roots, stimulating your jawbone the way natural tooth roots do. This helps maintain jawbone health and shape, ensuring your dentures fit and never slip in your mouth.

Mini implants also eliminate the need for a bulky upper denture plate, allowing you to fully enjoy the flavors of your favorite foods and drinks!

With our innovative implant dentures, you can be sure your teeth will stay in place, allowing you to chew the foods you love once more! With stable support and better bone health, you can eat and live happily!

Eat the Foods You Love With Mini Implant Dentures!

Eating with traditional dentures can often be tedious and even painful. Their lack of stability and impact on taste may take the joy out of enjoying your favorite foods. Fortunately, Dr. Bradford offers mini implant dentures—a secure and comfortable solution to loose dentures.

With mini implant retained dentures, you can savor your favorite meals without the frustration. Schedule a free implant consultation today to discover how mini implant dentures can transform your smile and quality of life!

Follow Brent Bradford, DDS, on Facebook to see how we use mini implants to secure your smile!

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