Avoid Invasive Dental Implant Surgery With Mini Implants

Dental Implant Surgery in Syracuse, NY | Mini Implants Procedure

In the United States, an astounding 178 million people are missing one or more teeth. Tooth loss can occur due to several reasons, with gum disease, tobacco use, dental trauma, and tooth decay being common culprits. If you’re among the countless individuals who can’t enjoy your favorite foods or confidently smile because of missing teeth, rest assured that effective solutions are available. While there are several tooth replacement procedures today, a mini dental implant offers an efficient and reliable option without requiring surgery.

Dr. Brent Bradford is an expert in using mini implants and has been successfully placing them for almost two decades. Our practice in Syracuse, NY, a Mini Dental Implant Center of America, specializes in using and placing mini dental implants.

What Is a Dental Implant, and Why Do They Require Surgery?

Dental Implant Surgery in Syracuse, NY | Mini Implants ProcedureDental implants are remarkable devices designed to replace missing teeth effectively. It consists of a screw made of titanium, which is a substitute for the natural tooth roots which hold teeth in place, and an abutment piece that connects to the tooth. This implant provides a sturdy foundation for supporting dental restorations such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.

For Dr. Bradford to place them, he must first determine whether you have enough bone density to support a dental implant. If not, we’ll need to perform a bone grafting procedure, which will add months to your healing timeline. During the placement procedure, Dr. Bradford will create an incision in the gumline and peel back the gums far enough to fit the 5 mm diameter implant screw. Once he places the screw, Dr. Bradford will stitch the gums up, and the implant requires 3-6 months to fuse with your jawbone. Only then can we attach your final replacement teeth, making this a lengthy process from beginning to end.

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Luckily, another type of implant is becoming more popular thanks to its smaller size, less invasive placement, and shorter healing timeframe—mini dental implants.

What Is a Mini Implant, and Why Don’t They Require Surgery?

Mini dental implants offer a more streamlined approach to tooth replacement. With their smaller size, measuring less than 3 mm thick, mini implants are suitable for everyone, including patients with reduced jawbone density. The smaller implants consist of a one-piece design that has a screw on one end and a ball-shaped connector on top. Their streamlined design means we can place and load them in a single appointment, making their placement process much more efficient.

One of the great benefits of mini implants is that they have a non-surgical placement procedure. While larger implants require incisions, mini implants only need a tiny pilot hole. Creating the pilot hole and placing the implant takes about 15 minutes, and we can attach a temporary tooth immediately, allowing you to leave the office with a brand-new smile. Post-procedure, most patients are surprised by how little discomfort they feel and how quickly it fades. A few Tylenol can relieve pain and allow you to return to your normal routine within a day or two.

The Other Benefits of Mini Dental Implants

Aside from their smaller size and minimally invasive placement procedure, mini dental implants come with several advantages over larger implants that make them an appealing choice for patients seeking implant denture solutions:

  • Immediate results: One benefit of mini implants over conventional ones is their immediate stability. Unlike traditional implants, which need a lengthy healing process before accepting new teeth, mini implants are stable right after placement. This means Dr. Bradford can load a temporary restoration right away. You won’t have to wait to experience the aesthetic and functional benefits of mini implants.
  • Quick recovery: Mini implants’ less invasive placement and slimmer design offer a faster recovery period. Patients usually experience less post-operative discomfort and can return to regular activities faster.
  • Affordable solution: Mini implants are more affordable than traditional ones. Fewer required appointments, simpler procedures, and faster recovery all help to keep costs low.
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Complete Your Smile With Mini Implants

Mini dental implants are renown for their life-changing impact and ability to restore smiles and confidence. Due to the many advantages of mini implants, they consistently receive rave reviews from our patients.

For more than 15 years, Dr. Bradford has been using mini implants to transform smiles and improve lives. To further explore how mini implants can benefit you, don’t hesitate to schedule your free consultation today. Discover the difference mini implants can make in your life and regain the confidence to smile, speak, and eat without hesitation.

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