What Is Periodontal Disease?
In the following video, Brent Bradford, DDS, talks about the signs and symptoms of periodontal disease and how we treat it at our practice.
During a cleaning appointment at our office, we thoroughly assess your gum tissue and bone levels. Occasionally, you might hear us mention Periodontal Disease. This condition is primarily caused by the bacteria present in everyone’s mouth. These bacteria manage to penetrate the gum tissue, reach the bone level, and start damaging and eroding the bone that supports your teeth.
To address this issue, we must remove the bacteria from the pockets around your teeth. We employ various methods to measure and determine the severity of Periodontal Disease, but it’s essential to note that bone loss is a key indicator for diagnosis. I often describe it as a subtle disease because it typically doesn’t involve pain.
Unfortunately, it can lead to tooth loss because the bone, which acts like the cement holding your teeth in place, is gradually deteriorating. However, there is treatment available to halt the progression of Periodontal Disease. To assess your condition accurately, we recommend scheduling an evaluation at our office. We’ll take the necessary X-rays, measurements, and assessments to determine if you have Periodontal Disease and discuss appropriate treatment options.
In severe cases, we may refer you to a specialist for specialized care. Your dental health is important to us, so please don’t hesitate to come in for an evaluation.